150' 45lb Blood Run Copper Line
Blood Run Fishing 45LB Copper fishing line is proudly Made in the USA . Our copper fishing line has been extensively field tested in order to ensure the best fishability and fish catching characteristics.
When we developed our 45LB copper fishing line, we tested numerous different twists, weights, and diameters to develop the most user friendly copper trolling wire available.
Blood Run 45LB copper fishing line is a tin/nickel alloy coated copper wire that allows for saltwater corrosion resistance and more pliability in the fishing wire itself. This allows for smoother payout and retrieve.
There is no debating the fact that copper trolling wire has swept through many trolling fisheries as a "must-have" presentation for neutral or negative predators. Now, open water, bay and major river system anglers are catching on to the valuable benefits of implementing copper fishing line into their trolling spreads.
Copper fishing wire's unique ability to cut through underwater currents and temperature layers are the number one reason copper stands alone in its ability to get down to active fish other than by use of stainless wire, snapweights or downriggers.
Connections for backer to copper and copper to leader can be made with the Copper Termination Kit.
Available in 45LB Test, .036" diameter.