BnR Soft Bead Manistee Grand Slam Pro-Packs feature 5 colors of fish catching beads in 8 mm, 10 mm, and 12 mm sizes.
If your favorite rivers include one one the top Great Lakes steelhead producers and the surrounding lesser known rivers this pack is for you.
The Manistee Grand Slam Pack features 8mm, 10mm and 12mm beads in the following color options:
- Hot Snot
- Mottled Natural Clown (only available in Manistee Pro Pack)
- Peach Gobbler
- Lucky
- Mottled Peach Gobbler (only available in Manistee Pro Pack)
Also included in each pack are our T-Stops, size small and large.
Each Pack includes 75 Beads (5 of each color and size).
Note: Due to lack of use, we are no longer including tubing/bead sleeves in the packaging. After much consultation we found that most customers do not see the value of a free sliding bead. If you like to use the tubing, please let us know and we will send some with your order.