Similar to the original Bull Frog formula but LOADED WITH EMBOSSED FLASH. This is a FlasherTape.Com staff favorite. Featuring the Slammin Salmon Flies exclusive HUV infused bodies. This is the pinnacle of durability, uniformity, and catch rates.
Sold individually and unrigged. We recommend #2 or #1 standard shank trebles with (4) of our 2022 UV adaptive beads and 50# fluorocarbon.
NEW 2022 UV Adaptive Color Changing Beads (24) qty (flashertape.com)
ANDE 50# 50yd Fluorocarbon (flashertape.com)
#2 Addya HERCULES 2X Treble, No Bite Off- No Cut Off EACH (flashertape.com)
Band is for photo and packing purposes only, remove band prior to running.
Notes from Hoodie: This is just the Doughboy fly with a UV infused body but STILL ENTIRLEY MADE IN AMERICA